About About Us AAMagazine is revolutionary news and celebrity magazine targeted at redefining African excellence. We have the latest on news, entertainment, politics, sports, hot gists and informed commentary.AAMagazine is a member of AkwaAmaka Media Group. Our Team High Chief Stanley Chukwudi Obodoagwu Publisher Mayor Ikoroha Editor-in-Chief 08028009567 mayor@aamagazine.net Theophilus Kemekebiye News Editor 08123064988 theophilus@aamagazine.net Chukwuemeka Orji-Oko Managing Editor/Abuja Bureau Chief 08135474146 chukwuemeka@aamagazine.net James Alefia Contributing Editor/Lagos Bureau Chief 07063986707 james@aamagazine.net Ana Inyang Production Manager Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...