Luck Smiles on a Man Forced to Give His Dog to The Humane Society Due to Undergoing a Lengthy Hospital Stay, as Nurse Adopts It

Luck Smiles on a Man Forced to Give His Dog to The Humane Society Due to Undergoing a Lengthy Hospital Stay, as Nurse Adopts It

This man was forced to give his dog to the Humane Society due to undergoing a lengthy hospital stay. A nurse working in the hospital found out and immediately went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily and will return him as soon as the man is released.

Animals truly are one of the most wonderful things we have in this world. So innocent and pure to the disgusting realities we humans create…yet they still love us unconditionally.

I don’t know what people would do without their own pets, so happy this man gets to be with his.

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Reactions from people:


“It won’t take much to be kind. Kindness Will be rewarded when you don’t expect it, it’s called karma.”


“Being a good person like this is not difficult and the impact on the people around you only makes the world a better place. Bless these two people -and all others like them!”


“We had a patient that needed emergency surgery. He would not go to check in because his dog was in his car. All of us nurses took turns taking the dog home at night and he became our office dog during the day. Patient recovered fully and took his dog home happy.”

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