Faye Kingston hates New Year’s Day despite it being a celebratory occasion for her – as pals often let her down last minute and she spends her birthday at home
(Copied from the Mirror)
Many of us are thankful to have New Year’s Day off from work as we recover from the heavy drinking antics of New Year’s Eve. However, one woman hates how people are always “hanging” on the bank holiday, and she has a pretty valid reason.
Faye Kingston – who celebrates her birthday on 1 January – despises the first day of the New Year despite it being a special occasion. She says that her friends have little to no time for celebrations, meaning that she often spends the special day cooped up at home with her husband.
The influencer and content creator, from London, told the Mirror: “Having a New Year’s Birthday sucks as it’s exactly a week after Christmas.
“As such, everyone is tired of parties and spending time with families, etc, which means people generally just want to be a bit anti-social and focus on healthy eating or exercise for the first week of January.
“Nobody has any money as they’re all skint from buying Christmas presents,” she added.
Faye – who boasts more than 80,000 followers on Instagram account @fayedickinsonx – is celebrating her 30th birthday today, but it doesn’t sit well for the social media star seeing as no one is willing to celebrate.